
Friday, December 16, 2011

Galactic anatomy

What are the parts of the Milky Way galaxy? Is the halo distinct from the disk? What can we find in the halo?

A Milky Way galaxy is composed of three different visible parts.
The Disk: This disk contains most of the gas (hydrogen and helium) and the very thick dust. The components of the disk are also called interstellar medium.

The Halo: Halo is spherical in shape and contains little gas, dust, or star formation.The halo is distinct from the disk as it extends far above and below the galactic disk. Globular clusters and other old stars (As old as 15 billion years) live within halo. The halo stars are faint and hard to see form where we are.

The nucleus (Central bulge): The nuclear bulge or core contains the highest density of stars in the galaxy. Dust, gas, and the thick population of stars obscure the core of the galaxy.

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